Saturday, July 30, 2022

Banyan Tree बरगद का पेड़

मन हूं और मनीष बड़कस भी..
कस रखा है जिसे बड़ की बरोह या प्राप जड़ों से..
ऋषि-मनीषियों की तरह मन का ईश तो नहीं
सतत प्रयास है की मन न बन जाए ईश कहीं।

हर हर महादेव 🙏🌹🙏

Man is bad case....isn't it?

Thursday, July 21, 2022



Horns do disturb me a lot
They do pierce me day n' night
Like a thorny knight in the plot
Ram indeed my zodiac sign ♈
I do bleat before I blot.

Horns shouldn't honk but they do rot
Vehicles get vernacular on the spot
Air pressurised to pressurise the block
Clanking metals in a stainless pot

Honking isn't just a censored beep
Their klaxon has a toot so deep
Every honk has a different verbatim 
Each honker comes with a snort

They don't just beep to get their way
They convey their feelings with a dart 🎯
Sometimes they whistle sometimes they gloat
Attention seekers get their lot

School buses customise their horn
Beckoning patrons on the spot
Time & tide waits for none is what they teach
Lessons never learnt by a capitalistic slot.

Motorcyclists have a productive noise
Machines throttle with a thunderous poise
Silence ain't their cultural domain
Don't their silencers bring out rain!

That typical jamming in a traffic jam
Horny birds tweeting blissfully in a swarm
Swans swallow, Cranes croak, as pedestrians float
There's a vociferous jungle on a cemented coaltar road 🛣️

I do wish for a harmless world in my visionary sight
But before that I seek a hornless tribe for a future bright
Oh my dear, Hondas, Suzukis, Escorts & Tatas,
Please give me a harmonious street before I rest in peace.


~Maneesh Badkas~

Man is bad case....isn't it?

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Power of Expression

Man is bad case....isn't it?

पश्चाताप बोले गए शब्दों का ही हो यह जरूरी नहीं....
कभी कभी समय पर नही बोलने का पश्चाताप भी जीवन भर रहता है...!

That's why I don't miss a moment to express my love; either by saying "I Love You" or by hugging, or kissing, or making love, or loving gestures.

I don't know why people, especially feminists, are so afraid to express their innermost feelings about love in the best possible way.
Maybe the feminine gender thinks and believes that once they respond explicitly or express their instincts candidly, they will either have to face the music of the lust or will be called a slut. They certainly know that one step leads to another just as one way leads to other and hence restrain themselves to take any step, or way, or choice. *The Road Not Taken* (Robert Frost) is often talked about with either a sigh of regret or happiness but that happens later in life after the moment has gone.

Maybe they know not that the choice to not to take a step, a way or a road is also a choice which has its own omens or repercussions.

There are men who think that women, when it comes to making a choice between *love and security* tend to choose security over love and creation because of their natural motherly instincts
On the other hand there are women who believe that most men know not what true love is and mostly misconstrue lust, or sex, or sexual satiation or gratification as love and hence can't be trusted on matters of spirit.

The tug of war goes on and on and on since ages and yet there ain't any winner as yet. Well, there can't be because Men come from Mars and Women originate from Venus as they put it in lighter vein. More so because every conclusion, or judgement, or belief that an individual derives out of the given situation is quite personal and circumstantial based on transient perspectives or permanent mindset.

Let the matter rest in peace till the spirit transcends into matter cause it doesn't matter untill it matters.

Deja Vu 


बातों में वजन हो ना हो, रूदन तो है ही,
जिंदगी गुलबदन हो ना हो, सृजन तो है ही...

भगवान को भी तो नहीं बक्शते हम इंसान,
नादान हों ना हों, परेशान तो हैं ही...

टीका-टिप्पणी करने से कौन रोक सका है हमें,
मूल्यवान हो ना हो, ज़ुबान तो है ही...

Man is bad case....isn't it?



The seven essential qualities that a Private School Teacher should necessarily possess in Modern Times are as follows.
The so called Sir/Ma'am should be:
1. Formidable in the art of flattery.
2. Clerical in nature.
3. Ascetic in attitude.
4. Adept in telephonic conversation.
5. Speedy in syllabus completion.
6. Meticulous in materialistic needs.
7. Diplomatic in behaviour.

*Special Note:

B.Ed is a must. Feminine gender would be preferred. Healthy, Well dressed, Good Looking & Submissive candidate without financial needs and family burdens stands a better chance to thrive in this industry.


Man is bad case....isn't it?

बाजार गरम है

दो तरह के स्कूल चल रहे हैं बाजार में,
एक वो जो किताबी शिक्षा देते हैं ५-६ घंटे में,
दूसरे वो जो सामाजिक ज्ञान देते हैं सस्ते में,
शिक्षा तो खैर रह जाती है ठंडे से एक बस्ते में,
व्यवहारिक ज्ञान का मगर चहुंमुखी विकास बंटे-बंटे में...

किताबी शिक्षा लगती है नौजवानों को पुरातनवादी और कट्टर,
सांसारिक व्यवहार के मगर  मायावी और ट्रेंडिंग हैं चक्कर...

पाठशालाएं मांगती हैं शिक्षित करने की मोटी-मोटी फीस,
स्मार्ट बनाने के लिए गूगल बाबा के पास गुरु घंटाल मगर बीस,
निशुल्क न सही पर शुल्क, शुल्क कब लगता है साहब,
जब साहेब आपके पॉकेट में हों और मोबाइल हो आपका दफ्तर @peace...

अपनी तो पाठशाला - मस्ती की पाठशाला का फंडा कोई नया-नवेला बवेला थोड़े ही है मेरे भाई,
कभी हमने भी तो रामायण, महाभारत के गूढ़ तत्वों की बुद्धू-बक्सा देख-देखकर पूर्ण की थी पढ़ाई...

पढ़े-लिखे अनपढ़ों की एक फ़ौज खड़ी करने वाला एक जिहादी सा हिंदुस्तान बन गए हैं हम
फसल को पैदावार पर करना हो अगर नाज़ तो पहले राम/कृष्ण की तरह जियो मेरे हमदम...

वंदे मातरम्
वंदे मातरम्
वंदे मातरम्

जय हिंद 🇮🇳

Man is bad case....isn't it?