Saturday, December 10, 2022

God's own Goal

Cristiano Ronaldo, arguably, the most popular football player on this planet.

As it happens, Ronaldo was told by his Portugal coach to sit on the bench in arguably the most important game of the tournament so far, the knock out match with Switzerland.

Wait !...the most important player of Portugal not playing in the most important game of the tournament so far....why?

That is because Ronaldo misbehaved. He threw tantrums when he was replaced by his coach in the previous game in the World Cup. The coach was mighty displeased and decided Ronaldo needed some time to think things over.

..And oh by the way, as we all now know, Portugal convincingly won the game that Ronaldo did not play 6-1. And the 21-year old who replaced Ronaldo in the match, ended up scoring three goals.

So what did we learn from this episode....a few takeaways for all of us :

1. No one is indispensable. You may be a hotshot in your team or company but guess what, life will go on even without you.

2. You are free to question or have a difference of opinion with your manager/boss. But don't disrespect him/her ; very likely there will be repercussions.

3. Give youngsters a chance. That is the only way you will find out if they are good enough.

4. In life, don't shy away from making the tough calls. Even if it means benching your most popular player.

5. ..And finally, be humble. Or else life will force your hand.
~Author unknown to me

It's all about how you look at the story, the media you trust and the perspective you believe in.


Maybe the tantrums were thrown purposefully to awaken the coach and the team to not to get over dependent on Cristiano as one man army..??

Maybe it was a thoughtful strike by Cristiano to raise the standards of the team as a whole by giving chance to talented youngsters sitting in bench waiting for their chance..??

Maybe it was an incredible pass given to his experienced coach to wake up the seniors..??

Maybe youngsters were asked to prove their mettle by taking the challenge as a lifetime chance or opportunity to settle down the scores..??

Maybe it was neither the heads side or tails side of the coin but the whole coin itself..??

Maybe it was nothing but God's own masterstroke or goal..??

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