Friday, December 4, 2009

a heart felt sharing...just like that

ना में पंडित, ना में मुल्ला,

ना ही बाँचू गीता, वेद, कुरान,

दुखिया रहत नरक मा, सुखिया स्वर्ग अनजान,

मनवा मा आनंद भयो, करम गति को जान I

ज़िन्दगी आसन हो गयी और खुशगवार भी,

बड़ी मुश्किल से गले उतरा ये सच के मैं कुछ भी नहीं 'करता'


फिर भी सब कुछ मुझसे 'हुआ' जाता है मेरे मौला !!

मुझे ही वक़्त लगा अपना गला उतारते,

तेरी तरफ से तो ईद मै कोई देर ना थी मेरे मौला !!

बेवजह डरता रहा मैं जिबह से इतने अरसे,

एक झटके मै हुआ अक्ल और सोच से हलाल मेरे मौला !!

आह या वाह नहीं तो लानत ही भेज दीजियेगा हुजुर,

दोजख को भी जन्नत कर देते हैं मेरे मौला !!

जो ये ज़हमत भी ना उठा सकें आप,

तो जान लेना की ये इनायत भी "करते" हैं मेरे मौला !!

उठा ली फिर जिसने खुदी के क़त्ल की ज़हमत,

बैठा लेते हैं उसे अपने सर पे मेरे मौला !!

करने चले हैं जो मुझे अपनी दुनिया से अलग-थलग,

वो क्या जाने की कर चुके हैं दुनिया से अलग मुझे मेरे मौला !!

समझ रखा है जिन्होंने मेरे इश्क को मेरा दीवानापन, आसानी से,

बक्शेंगे उन्हें भी फर्क की थोड़ी मुश्किल मेरे मौला !!

दो आलम मै रहकर खुद को तड़पाया करते थे 'मनीष',

अब ये आलम के ना मन है, ना मनीष है और ना ही कोई इश..!!


manish badkas

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Saturday, November 21, 2009

works of a wavering mind..

क्या तेरा क्या मेरा..
क्या पाना क्या खोना..,
सब ख्याल हैं बस.. इश्क और मौत से पहले के..!!

उन्हें "अपना" बनाने की जिद ही उन्हें "पराया" कर गयी शायद...,
" इश्क " का जज्बा तो बेहतरीन था,
ये " दावेदारी " ही नाकाम कर गयी शायद..!!

करते रहे हम इंतज़ार बा-वक्ते दफ़न तक,
ये उम्मीदवारी ही नुकसान कर गयी शायद..!!

दिखाई दिए वो चौराहे पर तो सेज बिछा ली,
ये बदकारी ही नाराज कर गयी शायद..!!

सोचा की मना लेंगे हम उन्हें सजदा करके,
ये समझदारी ही गुलाम कर गयी शायद..!!

वफ़ा जो काम ना आई तो जफा को सर किया,
ये तरफदारी ही बे-ईमान कर गयी शायद..!!

तनहाई से घबरा कर गम को नशा बनाया,
ये बादाखारी ही हैवान कर गयी शायद..!!

देखे ना ऐब खुद के और हालात को कोसा किये,
ये गैरजिम्मेदारी ही इंसान कर गयी शायद..!!

भला हो उस रहबर का जो कस गया खुदी पे तमाचा,
ये खुद्दारी ही खुद्परस्त कर गयी शायद..!!

होश आया तो पाया की हम थे ही नहीं दो कभी,
ये जलवागिरी ही काम कर गयी शायद..!!

और फिर ये के...

ये "अपने-पराये" के फलसफे..
ये "वफ़ा-जफा" की बातें...
इन्हें देख कर ही हुआ होगा ' वो ' पागल,
बरसता है जो बेवक्त तुफानो की तरह.........

ना दिल टूटा..
ना की कोई शिकायत...
बस ! देखा किया ' वो ' ये सिलसिले,
बिखर गया फिर जो गुनाहों की तरह.........

झूठ ही सही..
तू कर तो सही मुझसे एक होने का वादा...
हैं दीवानावार यां बागीचों से मरहले,
यूँ दीखते हैं जो सहराओं की तरह.........

फिर ना कहना..
की बुलाया नहीं...
देता हूँ आवाज़ चीख-चीख कर,
ख़त्म हुए जातें हैं अब तो गुर्बतों के जलजले,
उतरते थे जो कल पनाहों की तरह.........

फिर ये भी की...

एक तनहाई तो है.....
पर है दहशतज़दा नहीं,

एक ज़िन्दगी तो है.....
पर है ख्यालशुदा नहीं,

ये भी नहीं के...
खौफ और सोज़ नहीं हैं शामिल,

एक रिश्ता सा तो है पर है तयशुदा नहीं......

उठती रहती हैं दिल में तमन्नाएँ भी और शौक़ भी,
एक दर्द सा तो है पर है ग़मज़दा नहीं......

बहती जाती है ज़िन्दगी इस वक़्त में और हर हाल में,
एक मुफलिसी सी तो है पर है शक-ओ-शुबा नहीं......

इश्क और मुश्क की बातें किये जाते हो तुम " मनीष "
एक तल्खी सी तो है पर है तुमसे अलहदा नहीं......

और अंत में...

ये सच है के हमाम में हम सब नंगे हैं...,
सवाल ये है की कौन शर्मिंदा हुआ अपने चेहरे से..!!

शुक्रिया गर आप पढ़ पाए मुझे यहाँ तक..

आपका ही..
मनीष बड़कस

Monday, November 9, 2009


Past is gone ,
Future is yet to come...
Now is all that we have & that's why we call it Present - a gift.

The greatest generosity we can show towards the future is by giving everything to the present ; that way we can also free ourselves from the burden of the past.

Future is just a figment of our fertile imagination while past is a matter of prejudiced perspective...both are beyond rationality.
It is pretty difficult for the human brain to conceive that PRESENT is the only real thing.Our mind does not allow us to believe that life has to be & in fact can be lived as it comes..on a moment to moment basis. The acts that we then perform are not mere reactions of our pre-conceived & pre-conditioned mind but are pure responses coming from a peaceful & crystal clear mind. These responses are borne out of LOVE, COMPASSION & DEVOTION as against the reactions which have their seeds in HATE, DESIRE & EGO.

Yes, it is difficult to conceive this philosophy of life if one is a fool but what seems really impossible is to actually implement this philosophy into our day-to-day life, again, if one is not courageous enough or do not have complete faith in the said philosophy.
Remember, life is nothing but philosophy in practice.

There are two ways of living our life ;

one is to be in complete acceptance towards whatever is happening in our life & the other is to be in partial acceptance or in selective rejection towards the events of our life.
In the former way we accept joy & sorrow, health & illness, prosperity & poverty, good & bad, light & dark, flower & thorn etc. etc. with EQUANIMITY & THANKFULNESS - believing with full & complete FAITH in the time, that whatever experience one is undergoing, is for ones own betterment & actualisation.
This, in fact is believing in the NON-DUAL nature of the creation.
The other way is the way of an sceptic who wants to choose only the best for himself as if he is made of only the best things of the world & that the paradoxes of this world does not meet in him. How think that a valley is inseparable part of a peak, that a diamond is more valuable than a coal, that love & sex are two different things, when in fact they are just two or more forms of the same phenomenon. Call it God, call it Energy, call it Time, call it whatever you like but they are indeed part of one phenomenon.

The belief that I am a somebody & not a nobody is the very essence of an egoistic person. This egotist believes that s/he has the super power to unfold events of life as per his/her own desire. S/he lives in dis-belief towards the world, thinking, that this world is his/her enemy. From this false belief an inferiority complex is born. The self is in a state of an illusion & knows very well deep within that h/she is nothing when compared to others. This inferiority complex bound by the ego gets reflected as a superiority complex in the outside world & the desire to control life as per ones whims & fancies, to be successful, to be powerful, to be knowledgeable, to be famous, to be someone is born...

How foolish to think that we can control our life when, in fact, deep in our heart we are very much aware that we do not even know what is gonna happen the next moment...its like trusting so much in God or something that we are gonna live 70 years but not trusting Him for the well-being of our life even for a minute. This doesn't, even for a minute means that one has to sit idly & do nothing...that would mean surrendering ourself to the fate or destiny in a very negative way. It only means that one has to perform his choice of action as a response & not as a reaction by making full & worthy use of one's free will. It only means to remain detached with the fruits of the action. Ya..!! that is what The Geeta teaches us to act without act with a sense of detachment.
The action thus born is an act of love , compassion & devotion vis a vis the reaction which has its seat in fear, hatred, desire & ego.

If one is able to comprehend with the above philosophy whole-heartily, life becomes not only easy but a joyous journey. The pre-requisite to such life is only one & that is a strong will to live in the moment. Such a person who lives in the moment does not get overtly worried about the past or the future. He de-learns in the present moment whatever he has learnt from the past thereby keeping himself ever fresh. He knows fully well that life is not going to repeat itself by producing exactly the same challenges for him. He knows that to repeat itself is not the nature of life but CHANGE, indeed is. He knows in all his wisdom that life does not believe in repeating itself but is constantly engaged in creating master-pieces & that is how there are no exactly identical twins or faces or thumb-impressions or flowers or plants or animals or stars or earth etc etc. We are life's one such master-piece & yet we make a mockery of ourselves by either thinking that we are common or dreaming & toiling to make it big, someday...

Present is the culmination point of past & future & if we continue to either live in past or dwell in future and continue to ignore the present, how do we presume to be at peace...???

A fearless crystal clear mind does not bother about survival but is constantly engaged in creation. He is peaceful in the knowledge that survival is not about fighting but about befriending. However, if someone still insists on the importance of taking precautionary measures or that of the need of planing, there is a simple question : Agreed that you can meticulously plan for a thousand things or more..agreed that you can take precautionary measures against thousand upsets or more but how do you plan to deal with that one thousand tenth upset & so on...??? Somewhere down the line you will have to leave it to the fact that one has to deal with setbacks as & when they why not do it NOW...???

Is it not more intelligent...???

Most of us have spent our lives listening to & being in control of this fearful mind of ours who is a slave in the present moment but regains its king-like control in the past & the future. What have we attained from listening to it...??? Are we truly happy...??? Are we at peace with ourselves & the world around us...???

If the answer is NO than why don't we listen to our heart for a week at-least & see for ourselves the difference that it makes to our lives...??? okay okay.. if a week is too much of a time, can you give it a try for a day.. or may be for an hour.. or a minute.. pleeeeeeeease....!!
Our heart wants us to be free from the clutches of the mind. Let's give ourself a chance to really live your life. This is the only chance we have or else yours truly will continue to chant
MAN_IS_BAD_KASE ( 108 times & more... )

Sunday, November 1, 2009


तरह - तरह के गीत हैं,
तरह - तरह के राग,
बस उतना ही संगीत है,
जितनी तुझमे "आग"...

...और ये आग ऐसी है जनाब के जो लगाये न लगे और बुझाए न बुझे I इस आग को जिंदा रखना कितना मुश्किल है...ये आप जनाब इशरत आफरीन से पूछें तो वो आपको बताएँगे की अपनी आग को जिंदा रखना उतना ही मुश्किल है जैसे पत्थर बीच आईना रखना I ये आग है सच्चे, बेशर्त, बेइन्तेहाँ इश्क की आग और इस वक़्त में इसे जिलाए रखना ऐसा ही है जैसे तेज़ हवाओं में किसी दिए को जलाये रखना...

एक लौ है ज़िन्दगी मेरी,
बुझती जाती है हर पल,
जला लूँ जो खुद को
तो शायद आ जाए सुकून...

अब मौसिकी को ही लीजिये हुजुर...कानों से संगीत सुनने वाले तो यहाँ बेशुमार हैं पर दिल से संगीत सुनने वाले बिरले ही हैं I इनकी पहचान करना बहुत आसन है मालिक..!! बस ज़रा दिल से देखने वाला चाहिए I यूँ समझिये के ये कानों से सुनने वाले सिर्फ दिखाने भर के लिए सुनते हैं I इन्हें संगीत खरीद कर सुनने में बहुत ही दिक्कत होती है I ये लोग बस मुफ्त के संगीत की जुगाड़ में रहते हैं I बहुत हिम्मत अगर आ भी गयी तो बस नकली ही खरीद पाते हैं I इन् लोगो को बस एक ही झलक सुन कर पता लग जाता है की ये संगीत इनके काम का है या नहीं I ये लोग गाने की कीमत तो बखूबी जानते हैं पर मूल्य नहीं...ये यह भी बखूबी जानते हैं के कौनसा संगीतकार अच्छा है और कौन बुरा...फिर भले ही खुद इन्होने आज तक कोई धुन या खुद की कोई सिटी ना रची हो I किसी कमनसीब मौसिकार की इजाद पर टिका-टिप्पणी या मज़म्मत करना इनका शौक़ होता है I बहुत डरे हुए होते हैं ये लोग इस बात से की कहीं इनकी ना-पसंदगी का संगीत इनके कानों पर पड़ गया तो शायद इनके कान ही ना फट जाएँ I संगीत साधको को ये अपने ही तई लूटेरा समझते हैं और इन् सब खयालो की तह में होती है दुसरो का शोषण करने और अपना पैसा बचा लेने की इंसानी प्रवृत्ति..

इंसान हूँ तो इंसान से ही तो मोहब्बत करूँगा,
अब ये बात और के नफरत भी साथ चली आती है....
डूबने से डरता भी हूँ और रखता हूँ तैरने का शौक़ भी,
भला हो नाखुदा का...ना डूबा, ना तैर ही सका और फिर भी लाश हूँ.....

ये लोग आपकी इस दुनिया में बहुतायात में मिलेंगे I ये लोग आपको अपने मोबाइल में गाने डाउनलोड करवाते हुए या अपने कंप्यूटर में किलो के हिसाब से गाने भरते हुए मिल जायेंगे I संगीत का रस लेने की इच्छा तो इनमे मौलिक ही होती है और संगीत सुनने-सुनाने में इन्हें मजा भी बहुत आता है और अपने मजे को दुगुना करने के लिए ये अन्याय करने में भी ज़रा कोताही नहीं बरतते I उल्टे मुफ्त का संगीत सुनने को ये अपना जन्म-सिद्ध अधिकार समझते हैं I इनका मानना होता है की किसी की रचना सुनकर और उस रचना की तारीफ़ कर ये असल में रचनाकार पर एक बहुत ही बड़ा एहसान कर रहे हैं...वर्ना कौन सुनता है आजकल ?

कहूँ किसे और सुनता कौन है...???
लिखूं किसे और पढता कौन है...???
मदहोश हैं जो कल की कल्पनाओं में..!!!
आज और अब से उनका रिश्ता कब है...???

ऐसे लोगों के अन्दर की आग इश्क की ना होकर हवस की, स्वार्थ की, कपट की अंधी लपट बन जाती है जो आज नहीं तो कल इन्हें ही जला कर राख कर देती है I ज़रा गौर से झांकियेगा इनके जीवन में और निश्चित रूप से आप पाएंगे.. दौलत को ही खुदा माने हुए, गहरे अवसाद, दुःख और अकेलेपन की छाया से घिरा हुआ एक खौफज़दा मन...

कहते हैं वो क्यां सुने हम तुम्हारी,
शगल तुम्हारा और आफत हमारी..!!
कौन है ये जिसे सुनने तक में दुश्वारी..??
मन इश हो तो दुःख है लाचारी...

फिर कुछ ऐसे भी हैं जिन्हें संगीत से इश्क है, जिन्हें इस काएनात में हर जगह हर सूं बस संगीत ही सुनाई देता है....क्यों..?? क्योकि ये कानों से नहीं दिल से संगीत को सुनते हैं या यूँ कहें की अपनी आत्मा में बसा लेते हैं I ऐसे लोग आपको कोयल की कुक हो या चिड़ियों का चहचहाना, नदी का कल-कल बहना हो या बारिश की बूंदों की टप-टप, झींगुर की चिकि-मिकी हो या रात में सन्नाटे की गूँज, बच्चों का तुतलाना हो या ग़ालिब का कलाम, बिल्ली की म्याऊँ हो या शेर की दहाड़, बर्तनों की टन-टन हो या पायलों की छम-छम, बादलों का गर्जन हो या चुडियो की खन-खन.........हर जगह हर इन्हें बस संगीत ही सुनाई पड़ता है I इन् लोगों के लिए संगीत एक अमूल्य धरोहर होता है, ये लोग संगीत के सृजन करने वाले को खुदा का करिश्मा मानते हैं और ऊसके प्रति अगाध श्रद्धा से भरे होते हैं I

जानता हूँ...है जरुरत के मुताबिक,
रईस हूँ...
गरीब की अमीरी है दिल से मुतालिक,
पोशीदा है ख्वाहिशों की समझ में,
आप ही कहिये जनाब...
ज़माना या के मैं नासमझ हूँ...!!
जानता हूँ... है जरुरत के मुताबिक,
रईस हूँ...

जब कोई रचना इन्हें रास नहीं आती है तो ये लोग अपने-आपको या अपनी समझ को ही दोषी या छोटा मानते हैं I ये लोग हर नए तजुर्बे के प्रति स्वागत से और हर पुराने आविष्कार के प्रति अहो भाव से भरे होते हैं I अपने शौक़ के लिए ये दूसरो के शोषण का ख्याल तक इनके ज़हन में नहीं आता I ये दिल के अमीर लोग दुनियावी तौर से गरीब भी हुए तो भी चोरी नहीं कर सकते....हाँ ये हो सकता है की ये लोग आपके दौलतखाने पर तशरीफ़ लाकर आपसे कुछ असल संगीत सुनने की मांग कर बैठें I उस वक़्त जानियेगा की कोई बहुत ही गहरी मज़बूरी के तहत ये आपके यहाँ पधारे हैं और पेश कीजियेगा वो ही जो सच में ही आपका है I ऐसे लोग संगीत को खुदा जानते हैं और सच्चे इश्क की सच्ची आग को महसूस करना हो तो कुछ वक़्त इनके साथ जरुर बिताईएगा और आप पायेंगे एक ऐसा साधू, एक ऐसा फ़कीर जो जीवन रुपी साधना में दिन-रात-सुबह-शाम मस्ती से लीन है....इस सहज मगर अटूट विश्वास और सबुरी के साथ की एक ओमकार, एक अनाहत नाद, एक स्वयम्भू टंकार ही इस जीवन ऊर्जा का अमूल्य स्रोत है.........

बचा है बस आखिरी ये सवाल के में कौन हूँ..??
पि लूँ कुछ कड़वे घूंट तो जी लूँ..!!
जान लूँ..
के मैं ये भी हूँ और वो भी हूँ ...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Open letter to Mr. Chetan Bhagat & like minded people...with love

Dear Mr. Bhagat,

This is with reference to your latest article published in "Dainik Bhaskar" titled - कैसे छु लें आसमां !

There are a few things which i would like to share with you, viz.

1) It is my observation that you are trying to create a new divide that is of YOUTH versus OLD through your articles. Let me tell you that it does exist & your efforts certainly have the potential to further widen it up. However, let me also tell you that such divide is superficial & only exists in the minds. In fact there is no such thing...but that is a fact only a fully aware man could know. Please do read, as a case in point, a quote by Munshi Premchand published at the left hand top corner space of the same news paper. It is published on the same date that is 22/10/2009, on which your article is also published. i quote it for your ready reference ;

" मानव जीवन में लगन का बड़ा महत्त्व है I जिसमे लगन है वह वृद्ध भी जवान है, लेकिन जिसमे लगन नहीं है, वह जवान भी मृत जैसा है I "

2) Yes..i am not at all interested in awards or rewards of my passionate work & that's why it is not a topic of discussion for me. Only a person who craves for recognition or fame or money works with a set goal of award & reward in his mind. One whose work is a passion for him has no other interest or goal but for the pure ecstasy of doing the work itself as a mode of self-satisfaction, peace & bliss & nothing else. You have either not observed the works of people like A R Rahman, Gulzar, Aamir Khan, Amartya Sen, Narayan Murthy etc etc or you chose to ignore that sort of passion & look only at the flip side of the coin. Mind you, the awards that these people get is secondary, a byproduct & never ever a primary goal.

3) Yes..i am unique & i also know that everyone else is unique too & that this uniquely common phenomenon keeps all of us noumenons bound by one thread of love & humanity thereby making a beautiful world.
Comparison is not my cup of tea as ambition & the desire or ego to prove myself numero uno can not even touch me. It does trouble a feeble mind who is in full control of the real self.
Mind you, the question is not who brought Indian or an American or a Australian ? The question is that humanity as a whole benefited or not ?

4) Yes..i am sorry to note the definition of "talent" that a man of your talent percolates to the people of world.
No my dear Mr. Bhagat, talent is not about being one step ahead from the other. Let me compassionately share with you that the real talent lies in being free from the materialistic attachments, being in bliss & peace with ourselves, in spite or despite of the outworldly conditions - no matter what. i am happy to note that you yourself confess in your article that talent is a gift given by nature to all & sundry in equal measures & that there is no partiality in these department. i am also happy to note that you agree that this talent needs to be nurtured by passionate work & preparation. i am sure you will also agree that there is no place for dis-harmonious or dis-pleasing thought process to nurture this talent lying latent in all of us.

Observe the spellings of 'talent' & 'latent' & you will know what i mean..

5) Real talent does not need help or support from others to nurture itself. That talent is not the real talent if it is dependent on others or societies or systems or any other thing other than himself to liberate itself. He is just a pampered, coaxed child...a push over & not a self-made man. Talent is given equally to all of us & so are the conditions. What we make out of them is a matter of perspective & choice. To lament about them is also a choice.

You must have heard the story of that farmer who was not happy with God's ways of farming. He always use to complain that God doesn't know anything about farming & that HE should learn a thing or two from the farmer. The farmer always use to lament about rainfall & its timing, about sunlight & its intensity, about soil & its fertility & so many other things.

One day God, with His love & compassion appeared in front of that farmer & granted him his wish to have the controls of rains, sunlight, soil texture & other things for one full harvest season. God only put one condition that this facility will be available only on & for the land in farmer's possession. The farmer readily agreed & brought in all his experience to work upon getting a wonderful harvest. He made the best of soil, provided the best of climate conditions, optimum quantities of water & sunlight & took perfect care of the minutest details.

Lo ! The crop which then resulted was extremely good in shape, size & quantity. The farmer was very happy to see the magnificent crop.

The harvest time came & when the farmer saw that his crop had marvellous grains but all was very feeble to touch & had almost no strength, he got furious & blamed God charging Him with treachery & deceit. God smiled & said, " i didn't intervene in your work. The controls were totally in your hands but in your dream of creating a perfect crop, you didn't allow your crop to undergo the hardships of time & weather. You didn't allow storms & scarcity to happen & in the process your seeds never gained the mass & strength that they should have thus gained."

i think you are that farmer...

Please do prove the God wrong this one time...

God bless..

manish badkas

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

a thousand buddhas !! Ya.. why not ??

i remember Osho saying in 'Tantra Sutra' that the first technique of observing ones own breath is the technique of Zen too & just with that one technique Zen was able to produce thousands of enlightened people. That was the time when Zen was at peak.Note that this was due to BUDDHA's teachings & the timing was in & around Buddha's lifetime(i mean physical lifetime)

i feel a similar sort of thing started to happen when Osho was present in body form & now, even after he left his body, the phenomenon not only continues but in fact is growing at an ecstatic pace. There should be no surprise if we see thousands of enlightened people in & around the physical lifetime of OSHO too.

i say that its good for the planet Earth & its inhabitants that so many enlightened people walk at the same time on this planet or else the tribe & army of asleep & un-enlightened people is growing at such a furious pace that a single NEO ( as in the film MATRIX )will not be able to stop the march of these machines.

Osho was aptly calling his sanyasis as NEO-SANYASIS or NEW MAN or ZORBA THE BUDDHA. can we see the link...???

If we can, then, let us please not stop at 50 or 950 & welcome as many enlightened individuals as possible because that the only way to make Osho's dream a reality & this Earth, a heaven.Whether these people who claim to be enlightened are really enlightened or faking their enlightenment is a question which gets answered on its own if the face of this planet changes from the current blackish one to charming white, so to speak.

Moreover, as a Osho Neo-sanyasi what is the need to ponder on somebody else's enlightenment when you can yourself be enlightened. That will solve the riddle of knowing the difference between a fake & a real enlightened person too. On the other hand if you are already enlightened then please garner enough courage to announce it too.That will surely help the overall cause.

Lastly, i would like to add that i feel that the number of enlightened persons can be many but i am not so sure about the number of enlightened MASTERS walking simultaneously on planet Earth. i think they are far & few.

Please educate if you know...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The journey...

Sometimes...ya! only sometimes & not always..
when we first meet someone..
we do not know...ya! we just do not know..
what that someone is gonna mean to us..


The future is always a stranger..
what is past today was a future sometime..
if one is open to becomes a present..a lovely present


She met me as a stranger...
& she wudn't look into the eyes of a stranger..
BUT she wasn't shy either..
& why wud she be..
after all we were meeting to see if we cud live together


i can feel ur eyes just got a glitter... wasn't a date..
neither was it turning out to be anything great..
& how cud it..
afterall it was just a formal get-together


She was talking all the time to my granny...
behaving as if she was some MahaRani..
i was lost...i was bruised..
& why wudn't i be..
afterall, an Aries was facing a Leo


i liked her & her beauty too...
she was her & not on a duty too..
donno about her but we decided on meeting once more..
& why wudn't we..
afterall, soon we were going to get married


The courtship was something to remember...
love..lust..stupidity & lots n lots of blunder..
we behaved as if we were kids...
& why wudn't we...
afterall, i was the only kid that she is gonna get


The honeymoon brought her a lot of pain & pleasure...
but she was strong & she was clever..
she took it all in her own Leo stride..
& why wudn't she..
afterall, she was slowly turning into a wife that i always wanted her to be


The honeymoon got over...
life started to take its toll on us..
we lived as if everything was getting over..
& why wudn't we..
afterall, our relationship was turning mature & not sour


great things were in store for us...
we were loosing self & yes, that was a must..
coz by loosing ourselves, we found each other..
& why wudn't we..
afterall, we were gradually turning into soul mates that we were

Oh !

Look how well it has turned out to be...
now she is not she & i am no more me..
in togetherness we have found what some call bliss & some call glee..
& why wudn't we..
afterall, the journey has just begun..................................................................................................................................

isn't it...!!!
my dear Meghana...?
( Meghana is my wife since 27th november 1996)

Monday, September 28, 2009

This Raavan just doesnt die....

मन इच्छाओं से है भरा,

आँखें देखती है केवल त्वरा,

जुबां मांगे है सफलता ज़रा,

नाक पर बैठा है दंभ खरा,

स्पर्श देता है मुझको डरा,

कानो में ठूंस रुई मैं की,

कहता हूँ सबसे हैप्पी दशहरा,

पर सच कहूँ...

अभी रावण नहीं है मरा...............

Friday, September 25, 2009

Philosopphers & intellectuals in the world of Osho

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Osho was totally against Philosophy and many time insisted on meditation. But unfortunately many Osho lovers are into Philosophy and only Philosophy. I often wonder at the calamity that has happened to Osho world - that is, it is producing more philosophers than all the universities put together.

After reading Osho Books any one can become intelluctual and can debate, argue or philosophize on any topic. But what is the point of all this arguments and debates?. Do they lead to anything beautiful or of the beyond. The real challenge for the new man is meditation.

The essence of Osho teachings is meditation. Meditation will lead to silence, compassion and celebration. Osho's world does not need Nietzsche, Kant or Hegel, We need Buddhas and Mystics.

manish badkas said...
Dear Swamiji

Osho was never against philosophy. He was against philosophy remaining a drawing room discussion & was always for practicing philosophy in day to day life.

Osho was a professor of philosophy in Dr.Harisingh Gaur university at Sagaur in Madhya Pradesh & it is because of his deep study of works of Nietsche, Kant, Hegel (whom you name so disdainfully) & thorough intellectual debate within, that we know, where this people went wrong.

Osho made it easier for us to understand these, otherwise, genius people by showing us the traps of mind that they un-knowingly fell into. He added his pearls of wisdom to the half-truths that these gentleman believed in & paved the path for us to be aware of those pits.

Osho grew beyond philosophy & i am positive that the works of these philosophers had a definite hand in making him what he was & is...just as a valley is an un-seperable part of a gigantic mountain.

You can very well note from the tone & tenor of his discourses, provided you are willing to, that he was never against those people but was only pointing out where they faltered & that too was done to help us understand the fallacies & prowesses of the mind & not to disrespect those philosophers, which you so un-ashamedly indulge into.

i wonder, whether you would have written the same about Osho had you met him when he was just Rajneesh & not the Osho you know...???

Hope you mind & ponder intellectually in your meditation to create something beautiful & beyond.


July 4, 2009 6:53 AM
White Lotus said...
Dear Manish

I don't know what to reply.
Just one question - have you ever meditated in life? I mean any kind of meditation you have practiced sincerely?

Swami Amitabh

July 5, 2009 8:18 AM
manish badkas said...

Being in NOW & HERE is the only meditation i know & i dont know whether to term it meditation or a way of life...

manish badkas

July 15, 2009 5:38 AM

Thursday, September 24, 2009



ना कभी तुम्हे देखा, ना मुलाक़ात हुई, ना कोई पहचान,
चित्रों में ही बस देखा किया, नयन तुम्हारे तीर-बाण...

सुना गज़ब तुम्हारा जलवा, शब्दों की अजब ही शान,
पढना-सुनना जो शुरू किया, हुई महसूस मतवारी तान...

दिल ने कहा हो तुम्ही वो सखा, था जिससे में अब तक अनजान,
तंत्र तुम्हे और करीब लाया, शुक्र तेरा विज्ञान...

अब न वो में हूँ, न वो तुम हो, जैसे दो जिस्म हों एक जान,
अंधियारा सारा मिट गया, तज गया सब ज्ञान..

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


i simply adore this word "BLAME" ; its last two syllables sound 'me'

Olivia Judson is so right when she says she wants intelligent Aliens for us humans who can objectively tell humans as to what exactly is the problem with them. Humans definately can't assess themselves, however, i do firmly believe that everyone can heal self provided the self controls the mind & not the opposite.

i humbly present my case to you :

Any murder is quarrels on that issue but to squarely blame the law & administration for the same is not only specious but also akin to the irresponsible thinking that some God or someone will come to rescue us from our sorrows & challenges while we continue to remain unconscious of the times we live in. This habit of not willing to take onus on oneself for ones own life events is precarious & spells doom for the self.In a way it depicts that one is under the firm grip of his/her own mind for whom blaming is a favourite pass time. Mind you this tendency of mind reigning control over the conscious self is not gender specific & not new by any stretch of imagination. We humans seldom learn from our mistakes...thanks to the blame game that so deeply prevails in our societies.

Look, i am not saying that the law & order is not a states is but an administration is made up of a group of elected or selected individuals who have come from the same society which has induldged so much in the blame game, from times immemorial,that it has completely forgot to take responsibility of the self, leave apart others.Is it not preposterous to even think that a politician, an administrator, a police offical,a journalist, a doctor, a judge, a lawyer, a teacher...or any professional for that matter will be more honest, more prudent, more ethical, more sensitive, more law abiding, more spiritual than the rest of the society...??? After all, this professional is born & brought up in the same selfish, cunning, corrupt, insensitive, law breaking, God fearing & not God loving society & so how can you expect him/her to be any different...??? Is not an individual true reflection of the society itself...??? Is it not, then, asking too much from these administrators to protect lives of each one of us, where ever & when ever we are...??? Is it not like asking them to be Gods in their fields & grant our wishes when even Gods fail in doing so...???

That we still get to see a few different individuals, going about their job with loads of passion, dedication & honesty is a welcome sign of relief but such individuals are exceptions & not norms of the society or the system,in fact, they are what they are, inspite of the society. In fact, society tries very hard to make them like itself, tortures them in their hay days for not being one with it, punishes them for being different till they succeed. Abhinav Bindra being the latest example.Thankfully, there is no dearth of such examples, be it Gandhi, Einstein, Kiran Bedi, Barkha Dutta, Dr Reddy, K G Balakrishnan, T N Sheshan, Aamir Khan, M S Dhoni....etc. etc. to name a few known personalities among a stream of many many unknown ones.No matter how big the quantity of such different individuals is, they are still very far & few when compared to the vast & roaring sea of society filled with blaming individuals.

Nobody invites death, even if it is natural, so it is childish to think that someone invites murder. Tell me, whom do you blame for un-natural deaths caused by AIDS, cancer, heart-attack, diabetes, malaria, sunamis, earthquakes, tornedos, snake bite etc.YES...i dare call them "un-natural". Just ask the one who is suffering from these diseases or whose loved ones have gone through such an ordeal & you will know the truth. A death is tragic...whether its natural or not..because it is death, all the same.We are all victims of death.

Alternately, we can also accept death as an un-detachable part of life & stop blaming others for it.With due regards,the dead are not blaming anyone. They lived their life the way they wanted to & must be at peace with themselves, possibly laughing to see us mortals so fearful about death, right now. Blaming can not free you from the fear of death, accepting it the way it is, can.If you can not live without blaming, then blame yourself...for being afraid...for being so greedy...for choosing life over death...for not being different from the society...for not living fully enough...

Blaming, albeit, if is a business then its altogether a different phenomenon.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Man is a bad case....isnt it?
सोच है फ़क़त एक सोच, ये फरेब-ओ-गम की बातें,
नज़र आई हकीकत जो हुए रूबरू हकीकत से हकीक़तन..

शुक्रगुजार हूँ ऊन ज़ख्मो का जो शर्मसार कर गए,
सूरत बिगाड़ने का क्यूँ दूँ इल्जाम जब सीरत संवार गए..

कसा है खुदी ने खुदा की खुदाई पे क्या खूब तमाचा,
पूजता भी है और पूछता भी है के ये क्यूँ है और वो क्यूँ है...

मांगी थी दिल से एक दुआ के दिखा दे कोई राह,
शिकवा अब ये के सफ़र-ए-मंजिल ऐसा क्यूँ है और वैसा क्यूँ है...

बन्दों से हुई जो मोहब्बत तो बंदगी हो गयी,
सवाल ये कैसा के ये ऐसा क्यूँ है और वो वैसा क्यूँ है...

ग़मों से दोस्ती जो हुई तो गम गम न रहे 'मनीष',
ताज्जुब सिर्फ ये के ये हैरत-ओ-अंगेज़ करिश्मा हुआ तो हुआ क्यूँ...

Monday, August 31, 2009

may it happen..

काश...ऐसा हो

की १५ august का तिरंगा London में लहराए,
4th july के celebrations हिंदुस्तान मनाये,
IPL अफ्रीका में और ashes पाक में खेला जाए...
सारा world एक हो जाए,
हम सिर्फ planet Earthian कहलायें,

उत्सव हमारी जात हो, आनंद हमारा गोत्र,
प्रेम हम सबका एकमात्र स्तोत्र...
देश तो हो पर देशभक्ति नहीं,
spirituality हो पर religion नहीं...

God पर हो थोड़ा ज़ोर कम,
Godliness पर आकर सब कुछ जाए थम,
वन्दे मातरम के इस शोर- शराबे में,
देखना...कहीं दब न जाए ये वासुदेव कुटुम्बकम...


Friday, August 28, 2009


hello there...
yes.. U
ya ! i am speaking to U..

YES..u are indeed divinity personified.. fact there is no other way to be..

Kahlil tells me to quote this for u..
" If you would rise but a cubit above race and country and self you would indeed become godlike "

..indeed we are all part of "IT" & just by the virtue of being part of the "WHOLE"..we can be nothing but "WHOLE"..
..that we do not feel so or realize so is a matter of time or shall i say 'a matter of awareness'..

..transcend the illusions of TIME & EGO & awareness is ours in the taking...
its easy to transcend if one already knows that s/he is caught in the "maze" of ambitions & unending desires..

There are 3 ways to do it ;

1) Live Ur ambition & try n fulfill Ur desires by running after them in a very focused way...
keep on achieving what u want to & feel successful..
it might happen or may not but one thing is sure that u will get tired sooner or later & will be rich in
the only catch here is of getting over indulgent..

2) Allow others experience to sink into u through exhaustive reading or following the words of a Guru..
imbibe everything...make it Ur own...feel it & if u are sensitive enough...u might get it
..and even if u don't u will at least become a "Gyaani" ( knowledgeable person) & yes that's exactly
the catch in this way..

3) Trust Ur life & its happenings around it to be Ur true "TEACHER"..
Trust that it is all happening...the good & the happening only n only to help u realize that
u..yes u..are indeed part of the 'WHOLE"..
if Ur trust is un-conditional then 'patience' will come automatically to u & u will start to feel the
presence of It in U..
...but if u are in a hurry, eager or in a race then u will have to wait till patience becomes Ur nature &
yes that's the only catch in this way..

After reading & imbibing Osho in not only my impressions but also in my expressions of life, this is a short concept that i need to share with u today :

It is called the I-ATM concept.. apt in today's material world...isn't it?

..its all about knowing Ur true self..the real i..
one needs to know his/her individuality....whatever it is

..the individuality one is seeking to know should be authentic too & not an iota of masking is needed

..ya thankful & full of gratitude towards everything & everyone in spite or despite of whatever the event or people have done to u..
its like being thankful to Ur lover when he presents u a bunch of red roses & in trying to catch hold of those roses Ur soft hands get accidentally pierced with the tiny thorns that were very much
part of the bunch but u didn't know...
..and u still thank Ur lover..hiding the pain..the oozing blood...u still thank as tears of joy & pain roll out of Ur dove eyes..

ya...that kind of thanks

M here stands for ME...ha ha ha just joking..
it stands for MEDITATION
..not the sort of stupid & cumbersome exercises that u often hear about ( mind u they are indeed helpful but only to start with...don't ever get stuck with them...NEVER..) but the real 24 hour meditation wherein u do not do anything but the seeker inside u just watches & observes all the does not even decide or conclude or be part of just sees & never has a say...
will that make u idle, lazy or a couch potato...?
ya... it will...if u can not separate Ur social obligations & needs from the seeker .. the seer inside u
so u keep on doing Ur duty or whatever u need to do at that point of time by taking the most suitable & righteous choice that comes to Ur mind at that point of time & space..
but inside, u are very much aware of what is going on...
its like ;

..the self is seeing the self..

..the mind is making the right choice for self..


..the body is implementing it for the self..

difficult..?? thought but becomes easy as u practice the art of living in the the NOW & HERE..

i hope that u free yourself soon..
adios !!
God blesses..

Monday, July 20, 2009

मुझ में नही...

आशिक हूँ, आवारा हूँ, हूँ भँवरे से कम नहीं,
कागजी फूलों से दिल बहला लूँ, ये फ़ितरत मुझ में नहीं...

खूब रूहों से हो ही जाती है मोहब्बत क्या करूँ,
फ़कत तुम ही तुम नज़र आओ, ये किफ़ायत मुझ में नहीं...

चेहरे से खुद-बा-खुद हो जाती है दिल की हालत बयां,
इश्क को साबित कर सकूँ, ये हिमाक़त मुझ में नहीं...

इश्क जो हुआ है तो सर कलम हुआ ही समझो,
यूँ भी सर के बल चलने की आदत मुझ में नहीं...

दिल की बात ज़ुबां पर लाकर गफ़लत पैदा क्यूँ करूँ,
लफ्जों को सजा कर कहने की नफ़ासत ही जब मुझ में नहीं...

दुनिया समझती है गर बेवफा तो समझा करे,
इश्क में तेरा कैदी बन जून, वो शराफ़त मुझ में नहीं...

दौलत और हुस्न के मादक रंग उकसाते हैं मुझे भी,
पर इन्हें ही अपना मसीहा मान लूँ, ये बगावत मुझ में नहीं...

हर दिल अज़ीज़ हो जाने से होती है उन्हें कोफ़्त,
अब सूरज किसी एक के तामिल रहे, ये काएनात मुझ में नहीं...

इस आशिक मीजाजी से कुछ रिश्तों में दरार आई,
चलो अच्छा ही हुआ, कमज़ोर ईमारतों को बुलंद रखने की ताक़त भी मुझ में नहीं...

आवारगी की मिली है ये सज़ा मुझको यारब,
तेरी महफिल में हो हमारी शिरक़त, ये इनायत मुझ को नहीं...

मय से ही प्यास बुझा लेते हैं अब हम 'मनीष',
नज़रों से पिला सको, वो लियाक़त तुम में नही...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

This is for YOU...from within
i hope its not as USELESS...

कहते हैं वो की जीवन व्यर्थ है,
जानते हैं जो वो कहते की अर्थ है,
समझदार करते अर्थ का अनर्थ हैं,
बाल-सुलभ पूछते के क्यूँ ये birth है,
जान पाते वो ही जो समर्थ हैं,
कारणों का नहीं यहाँ कोई dearth है,
भरी पड़ी है वसा जिसका एक अंश ये earth हैं...,

यूँ समझो के करता हमसे "वो' flirt है,
ना समझो तो समझो के बेडा गर्क है,
जीने में नहीं किसे भी पर यहाँ हर्ज है,
चुपचाप करता बंदा ये अर्ज है,
कह देना चाहे फिर की ये तो एक Jerk है,
नियत में नहीं पर इसके कोई कर्क है,
रहता भी ऐसे जैसे कोई Lurk है,
इश्क भी क्या खूब एक मर्ज है,
कुबूल हर वो दर्द कहें जिसे सब नर्क है,
जो कुछ है बस एक ओंकार सत है,
फिर ज़माने में पर्त दर पर्त है,
क्यूँ का सवाल खुद ही Quirk है,
करते वही आता नहीं जिन्हें कोई रक्स है,
ज़हन में बसता दो आलम का शक है,
दीवानों का हुआ कब कोई तर्क है,
सांस लेने में हुआ किसे कोई उज्र है...,

मत जी जीवन को जैसे कोई वज्र है,
इसी जीवन में छिपा हर पल वो हर वक़्त है,
मान लो ना... के वो ही factor-X है,
तुम हो अक्स और वो एक यक्ष है,
असीम भी तो शुन्य का..Zero का ही लक्ष्य है....

Please note that the write up uses the 26 alphabets of the english language except for the letter ' i ' for rhyming...for example
Earth & so on to signify that LIFE IS NOT TO BE THOUGHT OF BUT TO BE LIVED WITH PLAYFULNESS. makes sense...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

To Mr. ROBIN SHARMA & likes...

This is in reference to ur self-help book titled WHO WILL CRY WHEN YOU DIE ? i find the title quite funny...i mean how does it matter to the deceased whether someone cries or laughs or whatever...???

i see that u quote a couplet of Kabir in a completely wrong sense & context & then u go ahead & ascribe it 'ancient Sanskrit saying'....may be after all its ur father's mistake & not urs but isnt it funny to base a book on a piece of cultivated knowledge, which u call 'wisdom'.

By the way do u really feel that wisdom can be given or 'offered'...??? Give 1001 ways but tell u what...wisdom still remains a mystery. Ur book is a perfect example of that cultivated knowledge. Congrats for the success of the book but that still does not translate into wisdom.....does it?

Coming back to what i need to share about the Kabir couplet. The couplet goes like this :


i translate the meaning for ur knowledge.
Mind it, if u do not already consider urself knowledgeable....
" Kabir says when i was born, the whole of the world rejoiced & laughed but i cried. Let me now live this life in such a way that i am not made into a laughing stock anymore. "

Kabir or any true Guru is not bothered about the others & their activities whether in alive state or dead. They are only living completely in the present moment. Action then is just a result of being. So, Kabir wants to live in NOW & HERE all his life & merge with the ONE who is timeless & egoless. He already knows that once he merges & is one with the ONE....he no longer will be required to take any physical form.
Call it rebirth, if u may.

This context is so different from what ur book professes. i feel ur concept will only make ur readers more hypocrite, more diplomatic, more two faced then then they already are, since their actions will be, as it probably is - even NOW, governed by a selfish & not a selfless motto of taking egoistic pleasure in counting the number of people who will cry if & when they die. Stupid...isnt it to be a politician who is seeking peoples tears & not votes. Different....but is it true wisdom?

Please note that this e-mail is a humble effort to put things into right perspective & in no way to demean or degrade ur effort.
Hope u mind --

man is bad kase

Sunday, May 10, 2009


वो ठिठका था मेरे घर के चौराहे पर,

सोई तमन्ना जाग उठी ले आई दोराहे पर,

उसकी आंखों में एक अजीब तलाश थी,

खोज रहा था वो जिसको, में वो पलाश थी,

वो लबरेज़ था और में प्यासी,

नही.. ये न थी कोई चाल सियासी,

बढ़ा आ रहा था वो तेज कदमो से मेरी जानिब,

देख रहा था ऐसे जैसे हम कोई कलाम-ऐ-ग़ालिब,

सोचा के दे ही दूँ इसे प्यार भरा बोसा,

के निकल गया वो जैसे ही पल्ला मैंने खोसा,

हम अवाक !! सोचते ही रह गए................,

क्या सारे TANKER मर्द होते हैं...???


thanks again to man...

MAN IS BAD KASE...isnt he?

Friday, May 1, 2009


गर चाँद.. सूरज होना चाहे तो क्या होगा,

हर फूल.. गुलाब होना चाहे तो क्या होगा,

छा जायेगी हर सुं एक गहरी उदासी,

औरत के जिस्म में भी गर मर्द होगा...

i did not vote...

Inspite of the lead india campaign...inspite of the JAAGO VOTER JAAGO campaigns by electronic & print media...i didnt vote
Please dont punish me with that sarcastic look...i did go to the polling booth...stood their undecisively for a while & then after finding out that there is absolutely no one in the long list of candidates who deserves my trust & vote...i started to walk back. Suddenly an sms reminded me that i can go & register my opinion & exercise my 'lack of choice' option by filling certain forms & completing some formalities. I was not so sure as soon as i heard those dreadful words like 'forms' & 'formalities'. More so, i was afraid to face a goverrrrnment official having as long, meaningful (in my current state of hitch ) & impressive a post as "Returning officer'. All my fears evaporated as soon as i reached in front of his office. There was a long, a very long Q of so many my kind of people who were bent upon to register their opinion...come what may. Their was grit written all over their faces...kind of determinaton which i have never seen all my life...not at least for a social cause, that is. The scorching heat & lack of water didnt seem to matter to those who were there in the Q & i thought YES..YES..YES at last India is changing & changing really not through media hogwash but through its citizens.
As i garnered enough courage to stand in the Q to cast my 'doubt vote', i overheard the animated discussions that were doing the rounds...the crux of which, as gathered by my clever & witty mind, was this :
i quickly left the Q without voting, as now i was unable to bear the hate...mind you HATE & not the HEAT that was gulping me visiously. i thought of gulping down something really cool & Beer seemed to be the best option. After a few glasses of chilled Beer...the solution to my uneasyness came up like those tingling bubbles come up naughtily in a Beer glass. Here is my solution which gives me solace, if not peace :
Stop wondering about that chilled Beer on a election day or dry day, to be more precise. It can be managed...after all this is India.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

पैदा होते ही...

" पैदा होते ही में बहुत रोया-चिल्लाया,
पहली साँस लेते ही जी घबराया,
माँ ने झट छाती से लगाया,
तब जाकर थोड़ा सुकून था आया !

लोगों ने फ़िर मुझे तमाशा बनाया,
किसी ने बाप तो किसी ने माँ सा बताया,
मेरा अपना भी कोई वजूद हो सकता है,
ये तो जैसे कोई सोच भी न पाया !

पाठशाला ने ये सबक रटाया,
सबसे अव्वल होने को ही सफलता बताया,
सभी अपने आप में अद्वितीय हैं,
ये तो किसी ने न सिखलाया !

महत्वाकांक्षा के बीज बोता गया समाज मुझमें,
सभी ने कुछ बन जाने को उकसाया,
कुछ बन जाने की होड़ में खो दूंगा ख़ुद को,
ये राज़ तो बहुत बाद समझ में आया !

पैदा होते ही में बहुत रोया-चिल्लाया......

पर क्यूँ ??? "

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Everybody is looking for the MONKEY out there...

Have u noticed that the makers of Delhi-6 audio cds have come out with a unique cover having a mirror of sorts on it , so that one can see his face in it. They have also come out with a normal Abhishek-Sonam-massakali photo cover. Chances are that 85% of Indians wud not have noticed it, reason being that 85% of Indians purchase pirated music ( dont give me a scornful look - this are music industry figures..not mine ). But piracy is not the (uncomfortable) topic of this post. So read on...
i was in a large music store..soon after the music of Delhi -6 was released where large stocks of Delhi -6 audio cds with both the covers were kept adjacent to each other. Guess which cover pack was picked up by most of the customers..? No, not the unusual pack with inherent mirror in it but the usual one with Abhishek photo was the dominant choice. i did not read much into the choice; after all its a free country, but Rakesh Omprakash Mehra (the maker of the film for the un-initiated), if he wud have been there wud have gauged then & there that his film is not gonna be liked as much as he wants it to be appreciated. Probably he already knew that his film will be welcomed with cynicism & still wanted to take the risk of telling people something which they already knew about but do not want to recognize. That he knew this is pretty evident in the scene where Abhi asks fanatics to look into the mirror & believe that God is one, is omnipresent & one just needs an eye to feel Him. It ia also evident from the portrayal of the man with the mirror in the streets of Chandni chowk being depicted as a lunatic. Then why did make a film, which he knew for certain, wud be met with a luke-warm response...? May be he was banking on that dismal figure of 15% of people who are ready to face the reality as it is & then try to change it for a better tomorrow... May be he was motivated with the runaway success of " Slumdog Millionaire "...but that success was outside India... May be he wanted to tell the story..come what may, which makes him a poor mathematician ( if not a lunatic). The box office tells me so. Oh! what a loss!!
U know what...i purchased Delhi -6 audio cd with the mirror cover & ever since seeing my ugly, fanatic, biased, cunning, selfish, crooked, dishonest, hypocritical.....face in it. Well...sometimes i do see glimpses of the beautiful virtues within but that is only sometimes...

Am i a lunatic too ?