Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The Art of Parenting

Who deserves the right to parent a child - biological parents or biological grandparents and why?
Is the disciplined parenting regressive in nature?
Is the pampered parenting progressive in nature?

Yesterday evening I watched a Bollywood movie titled Shastry viruddh Shastry on Netflix.

Shastry Viruddh Shastry https://g.co/kgs/qyj6ctW

The directors and actors have done an amazing job by raising the controversial and debatable issue in the most candid way. Kudos to them.

As a teacher, I always felt the need to have a fruitful debate on the issue of the art of parenting and this film made the dream of a child come true.

Do watch this film to form your own opinion, view and perspective about the responsibility we, as parents and society, have on our shoulders.

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