Monday, August 28, 2023


"Which school are you working for now-a-days, Sir?"

This happens to be the most common question that my ex-colleagues and students often ask me through social media channels. Often, my candid response to this concerned query is that now-a-days I am working with my own school of idealistic and utopian thoughts to find a way to stay out of conflicts and called names for being an antiestablismenterrainist.

"Why don't you join some good and renowned school and help children the way you do, Sir?", is the next open-ended question.

My response, which I hope LinkedIn and the job providers and facilitators would duly note before they propose me a plum job in a good school, goes like this:

During my 15 years tenure of being an English teaching faculty as a Trained Graduate Teacher and Post Graduate Teacher in various CBSE affiliated private schools, I have had enough of autocratic, high handed, arbitrary, oppressive, boastful, business minded, capitalist, monarchial, incompetent, selfish attitude from such schools, their aspiring administrators and rude directors to run out of derogatory adjectives and finally bid goodbye to them and their obnoxious premises.

So, please do find a real good employer, who is awesome and has earnestly overcome the evil and feeble tendencies of their own powerful mind to rule their kingdom as a Guru and not as an anarchist, for a robust, ravenous, rambunctious, volatile, firebrand and rebellious employee like me who does possess an open mind to analyse the reality and is not at all narcissistic or possessed by his cynical or prejudiced theory about the elite class of capitalistic educationalists in India.

It would be a pride to work for a really good employer in real sense.

What about you?

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