Thursday, July 14, 2022

Power of Expression

Man is bad case....isn't it?

पश्चाताप बोले गए शब्दों का ही हो यह जरूरी नहीं....
कभी कभी समय पर नही बोलने का पश्चाताप भी जीवन भर रहता है...!

That's why I don't miss a moment to express my love; either by saying "I Love You" or by hugging, or kissing, or making love, or loving gestures.

I don't know why people, especially feminists, are so afraid to express their innermost feelings about love in the best possible way.
Maybe the feminine gender thinks and believes that once they respond explicitly or express their instincts candidly, they will either have to face the music of the lust or will be called a slut. They certainly know that one step leads to another just as one way leads to other and hence restrain themselves to take any step, or way, or choice. *The Road Not Taken* (Robert Frost) is often talked about with either a sigh of regret or happiness but that happens later in life after the moment has gone.

Maybe they know not that the choice to not to take a step, a way or a road is also a choice which has its own omens or repercussions.

There are men who think that women, when it comes to making a choice between *love and security* tend to choose security over love and creation because of their natural motherly instincts
On the other hand there are women who believe that most men know not what true love is and mostly misconstrue lust, or sex, or sexual satiation or gratification as love and hence can't be trusted on matters of spirit.

The tug of war goes on and on and on since ages and yet there ain't any winner as yet. Well, there can't be because Men come from Mars and Women originate from Venus as they put it in lighter vein. More so because every conclusion, or judgement, or belief that an individual derives out of the given situation is quite personal and circumstantial based on transient perspectives or permanent mindset.

Let the matter rest in peace till the spirit transcends into matter cause it doesn't matter untill it matters.

Deja Vu 

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